
Customer motivation and satisfaction related to purchases of comprehensive car insurance in Poland

Barbara Cieślik, Ilona Tomaszewska

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33995/wu2022.1.4


Complexity and unequal access to information for all parties involved are among the key characteristics of the market of comprehensive car insurance in Poland. This paper presents the results of a research project1 aimed at investigating consumer motivation and satisfaction related to purchases of comprehensive car insurance policies. Qualitative studies (IDIs) delivered in-depth information about relations between different parties and potential issues that were scrutinized in the quantitative part of the study. A binary logit model based on replies to a CATI survey of a representative sample of 4,500 respondents helped the researchers to identify certain reasons of purchases of this type of insurance. A further analysis proved that the level of consumer satisfaction was, in fact, greater than that the authors had originally anticipated based on the level of consumer confidence in the insurance industry, which is discussed further in this paper. The authors relied on official statistics on the Polish car insurance market and data showing the age-based breakdown of motor vehicles in different geographical areas to present some tendencies and pinpoint specific factors affecting customer motivation and satisfaction related to purchases of comprehensive car insurance.



customer motivation, customer satisfaction, comprehensive car insurance, casco polisy


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