
Compensation for moral harm caused to a legal entity – does the new Polish Supreme Court resolution of 2023 provide a remedy for the Polish legal system? Some critical remarks in a comparative perspective

Paulina Wyszyńska-Ślufińska

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33995/wu2024.1.4


In the resolution of 2023 the Polish Supreme Court ruled that legal entities are entitled to claim for compensation for moral damage in a case of violation of personal interests. Although the judgement is of great practical value and very interesting from the theoretical point of view, the court’s justification may raise more doubts than provide answers to the question whether it is justified to grant compensation for moral harm caused to legal entities. With the comparative analyses of the topic the author of this article aims at finding the answer whether the arguments provided by the Supreme Court shall be recognized as convincing and, as as such, shall be approved.


non-pecuniary damage, moral harm, personal interests, legal entity, compensation

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