In 2015, we spent PLN 483 million on private health insurance. According to the data collected by the Polish Insurance Association, this is 21 per cent more than last year. The numberof policyholders in 2015 increased by 19% to 1.43 million. The most visible increase in the number of policyholders was in the segment of individual policy holders, however, at the end of 2015 it was not as dynamic as in the previous quarters. At the end of 2015, 272 thousand persons held an individual insurance policy, and 1.16 million persons – a group policy.
– The premium on health policies is rising very steadily, which demonstrates that there is an increasing demand for this type of coverage. However, it is still a niche on the Polish insurance market and without taking appropriate legislative activities it will remain a niche – says Dorota M. Fal, an advisor to the Management Board of PIU for health insurance.
Results of the health insurance market in 2015
Date: 21 March 2016