Since 1 March 2019, the Office of the Polish Chamber of Insurance (PIU) has been operating in Brussels.
The office is the voice of the Polish insurance industry at the European level.
The PIU develops, promotes and defends the position of the Polish insurance industry in the legislative process, presenting positions supported by studies and expert opinions. Through its activities, the PIU contributes to creating a favourable legal environment in Poland, which facilitates the stable development of the Polish insurance market and the availability of insurance protection tailored to client needs. The PIU office in Brussels presents positions, comments and observations of the Polish insurance sector as part of legislative work conducted at the EU level, in particular by the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council. The office also provides information on important decisions made by EU institutions.
Bartosz Bigaj
International Cooperation Team Manager/
Head of International Affairs Unit, Head of Brussels Office
Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń/Polish Chamber of Insurance
Twarda 18, 00-105 Warsaw/Rue du Champ de Mars 23, B-1050 Brussels
mobile: +48 505 084 864

In October 2012, 31 associations of insurers representing 87% of the global insurance market established the Global Federation of Insurance Associations (GFIA). The GFIA represents the industry internationally and provides opinions and advice to the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS). The Polish Chamber of Insurance participates in the work of the GFIA working groups.

Insurance Europe is an association of insurance chambers and unions from European countries. It participates in EU legislative work and safeguards the strategic interests of European insurance companies. It represents the European insurance environment in organisations such as the OECD, WTO or IAIS. The President of PIU is a member of the Executive Committee of Insurance Europe. PIU experts work in the organisation’s committees and groups.