Aviva and Liberty join DCA

On 1 July Aviva and Liberty Ubezpieczenia joined companies offering Direct Claims Adjustment (DCA) to their clients. Currently, the system has been already applied by 7 insurance companies, which corresponds to ca. two thirds of the third party motor liability insurance market. In mid-October DCA is to be introduced also by the eighth insurer – Gothaer.

Direct Claims Adjustment is a breakthrough in the Polish insurance market. Thanks to DCA, a person injured in a traffic incident can contact his/her insurer, which will carry out the claim adjustment process and pay out due compensation. Since 1 April the DCA system has been offered by five insurance companies – Concordia Ubezpieczenia, Ergo Hestia, PZU, UNIQA and Warta. Only in two first months of its operation, more than 5 thousand traffic incidents were adjusted under the DCA system.

Since 1 July the group of companies carrying out claim adjustment according to the DCA system has been increased by another two – Aviva and Liberty Ubezpieczenia. “I expect that the continuously growing number of DCA users will encourage other insurance companies to begin to offer this solution to their clients in a short time. Thanks to several months of work in the Polish Chamber of Insurance, the insurers can use the system enabling them to compete for a client with the quality of the services offered. Using DCA, each insurance company can prove to its clients that it is worth their credit given upon signing the third party liability insurance,” says Jan Grzegorz Prądzyński, President of the Management Board of the Polish Chamber of Insurance.

Popularization of the DCA service among drivers is facilitated by the promotional campaign conducted by the Polish Chamber of Insurance since the beginning of June. All important information related to DCA are available on the website www.zglaszamstluczke.pl