Other arrangements on access to the CEPiK system of insurance

On June 15 and 17 the MSWiA held two conferences on the Law project concerning central register of vehicles and central register of drivers and on changing some other acts. During the conference the Board submitted results of the consultation of draft of the Act after the agreement of 26 February. PIU received confirmation from MSWiA that the insurance companies and the Board will have a legal access to the system CEPiK free of charge.

As to the rules regarding loading the CEPiK system by companies, the Act guarantees two alternative channels: the present – through the Information centre (UFG) –  and direct. These channels are to be maintained indefinitely. Companies are also able to change the loading system, because neither the Board nor the MSWiA can oblige them to use or resign from any of them.
Durng the conference it was also agreed that there the Act will be amended by a Regulation which will describe the details of loading and accessing data in CEPiK system. It will apply also to the anti-fraud module (for companies, PIU and UFG). This regulation will govern the rules for maintaining data quality in the process of loading system and providing information from the CEPiK system, in particular the automatic consideration of certain amendments to vehicle information and security issues of access and loading.
It was also confirmed that none of the options of ways of communication with CEPiK will not create replicas of the database unnecessary for the proper arrangement of mutual referral relationships databases – by CEPiK itself and databases operated by all stakeholders of the system. According to Project Manager of CEPiK, determining the rules of referral is the primary task in the work of the Regulation.

At the request of the MSWiA, PIU will organize a series of working meetings for the Department of the State Central Register and Computer Networks of MSWiA in order to make substantive arrangements, which then will be contained in the above mentioned Regulation. This gives the insurance environment a chance to shape the law in such a way that it meets optimally business expectations in relation to the CEPiK system.
Regarding the register fees from MTPL contracts (OC), it is agreed to include a general standard in the Law on Compulsory Insurance, UFG and PBUK, and such fee will be determined in the Regulations, depending on the actual realization of service by the CEPiK system for the insurance market.
In conferences with the MSWiA the PIU was represented by Andrew Maciążek (Board member), Dariusz Markowicz (member of the Working Group on CEPiK), Thomas Chelmicki (Chairman of the Committee for Information Management), Mariusz Ilnicki (Legal Advisor) and Stefan Szyszko (Director of Information Management Department of insurance PIU).

Good cooperation of PIU and MSWiA is a result of involvement of representatives of the MSWiA in the work of the PIU Subcommittee for Standardization.