Data dodania: 28 November 2019
More than 140 people took part in the seminar entitled ‘Taxes in the insurance industry’. The event was organised by the Polish Chamber of Insurance in collaboration with Deloitte. The participants were representatives of insurance companies, the Ministry of Finance and academic centres. The seminar was evaluated as exemplary in terms of substance and organisation.
The seminar addressed changes in tax regulations from the perspective of the insurance sector (including the white list of taxpayers, mandatory split payment mechanism, VAT taxation, new SAF-T reporting, withholding tax, taxation of ECP intermediation and acquisition costs in terms of taxes).
An important part of the seminar was dedicated to changes in transfer pricing regulations and regulations concerning the reporting of tax schemes (MDR). Discussions were also held on current tax case law and tax practice in the insurance sector, changes in regulations aimed at reducing payment bottlenecks, credit for research and development and changes in PIT and social security contributions.
Seminar presentations