Data dodania: 6 March 2015
On 2 December 2014, the Polish Insurance Association in collaboration with Deloitte organised a seminar related to tax and legal issues entitled: “Taxes in the insurance industry”.
During the seminar, speakers from Deloitte discussed the most important changes in the tax regulations for 2015, including these concerning: taxation of income from investments of the insurance premium, taxation of benefits received in connection with promotions, insufficient capitalisation, controlled foreign company (CFC) and tax avoidance clause. Changes in regulations on transfer pricing and tax risks with regard to personal taxes were also presented in detail. The most interesting court decisions and interpretations, and tax rulings in 2014 were presented in the further part of the seminar. The possibilities of funding the development of the insurance sector company using public fund, including EU funds, were discussed at the end of the seminar.
The seminar was attended by more than 150 employees of insurance companies, representatives of the Ministry of Finance, of the Office of Polish Financial Supervision Authority, as well as academics and representatives of the media.