The first meeting of the Emergency Subcommittee examining the draft bill on the change of the Act on the road transport and on change of other Acts

The first meeting of the Emergency Subcommittee examining the draft bill on the change of the Act on the road transport and on change of other Acts (form No. 2401) took place on 23rd October of this year.

The participants of the meeting accepted the argumentation of the Polish Insurance Association and the Ministry of Finance concerning the non-compliance of the proposed, by the members of parliament, definition of a motor vehicle with the consolidated Directive (2009/103/EC). The representatives of the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Infrastructure, the Association, Insurance Guarantee Fund, the Insurance Ombudsman and the association and associations of carriers participated in the discussion during the meeting.

The Chairman of the Subcommittee suggested a meeting with all the interested parties to draw up a common statutory entry. The grounds for further discussion would be the proposition of the Ministry of Finance which stated that when a vehicle has been removed from the participation in the traffic, the proprietor would be supposed to pay a lower fee on account of the compulsory third-party insurance.

We would like to remind that the draft bill implements changes, among others, to the Act on the compulsory insurance, Insurance Guarantee Fund and Polish Motor Insurers’ Bureau within the scope of the compulsory third-party insurance. The change is supposed to consist in the termination of the third-party insurance agreement when a vehicle has temporarily been removed from the participation in the traffic and in the implementation of a new definition of a motor vehicle (stating that trailers are not motor vehicles). The result would be the exemption of the proprietors of trailers from the obligation to conclude a third-party insurance agreement.

The next meeting is scheduled to take place at the beginning of November of this year.