the amount for which the insurance benefit is not paid, and above which is paid in full. The action franchise…
reduction in the compensation paid by a specified amount or percentage of the insurance sum. From a technical point of…
(From the English: fire, lightning, explosion, aircraft) the basic scope of coverage of fire insurance covering fire, lightning, explosion and…
in case of life insurers, the sum of the net asset value and the present value of future profits from…
third party liability insurance applicable to actions of members of governing bodies of organisations, usually joint stock companies (but more…
a group of life products aimed at ensuring the child to start the adult life; dowry products are above all…
the process of transformation of an insurer operating in the form of a mutual insurance company into a joint-stock company;…
a situation when the same item of insurance is insured at the same time against the same risk, which together…
an insurance sales model assuming a direct (no intermediary) contact of the insurer to the client, in Poland often narrowly…
loss of property, or other (eg, loss of health, life or even the birth of a child) as the result…