
17 Apr: Reinsurance broker

insurance intermediary who represents insurers seeking reinsurance; he/she may be responsible for construction, preparation and placement of insurers’ reinsurance programmes.

17 Apr: Regular premium

is the life insurance premium paid periodically; it is usually applied in the agreements with a long period of coverage.

17 Apr: Rate

the price for an insurance unit; rates expressed in percent usually apply to the insurance sum (e.g. accident and theft…

17 Apr: Risk management

a set of measures taken by an organization (e.g. an enterprise, a local authority) aimed at protecting the organization from…

17 Apr: Reinsurance

a method of dispersion (distribution) of risk, used by isurers and based on giving some of the insured risks to…

17 Apr: Policyholder

the person who enters into an insurance agreement for his/her own or somebody else’s account, the policyholder undertakes in the…

17 Apr: Prevention fund

a target fund created by insurers for the financing of prevention-oriented activities; prevention fund can be created as a cost…

17 Apr: Partial loss

the loss where the object insured has been damaged to such an extent that its repair is possible and economically…